caseyzablocki woodfired ceramics

Life is about the journey - cliche, I know.  I’m a curious person with a curious mind and find art and design the best way to articulate my thoughts and memories.  I have explored ceramics well over a decade and am still to this day searching for the right words to say - and how to say it.

Clay is an incredible medium - limited and limitless at the same time.  It comes from the earth and water and vitrifies with incredible fire.  Woodfiring in particular can translate such guttural emotion - as fire marks slash and ash melts glaze onto sub-perfect clay forms.  This tradition of wood firing is primal but sometimes is the only way to make modern ideas relate to the past.

Clay has been my muse for the last 16 years.  I don't consider myself a ceramicist - rather a designer who happens to work with clay.  When I create collections I look for lead from great fashion designers - having a series of ideas that are ever-evolving with the seasons.  Nature surrounds me but isn't my sole source of inspiration. From the strong support structures of bridges to the negative spaces of a feminine heel in a magazine - I am constantly finding new forms to create.   

How to make the past ideas relate to modern design?
That I’m constantly searching for.

New approaches to create old ideas
Old techniques married with new experiments
taking risks in attempt to transcend limitations
Always embracing the inevitable mistakes. making sure to honor this journey.